The files in this package are Control Strip modules. They can only be used with Apple Computer's Control Strip Control Panel. Control Strip is a super cool extension that is included with the new PowerBooks and as part of System 7.5.
So far this package consists of 6 modules which are described briefly below. For a full description please see the 'Readme' file that occompanies each module.
Clock - Display a digital clock on strip
Control Panels - Open control panels or control panel folder from popup menu
Express Modem - Display modem status on strip, turn modem software on/off
Free RAM - Display free application RAM on strip, free disk space in menu
Processes - List processes, switch between apps, quit any/all processes
Processor Speed - Display CPU speed on strip, give misc PB info in menu
I will be adding to the collection but wanted to get these out there so I could get some feedback (since there isn't much of a standard for these things yet).
These really haven't been tested all that much because I don't know many people who have the Control Strip so I would apprecate any feedback you might have. I am also interested in suggestions for future modules. I have a couple of ideas, but can always use more. Please contact me at the addresses below if you have any comments or suggestions.
Since I update these fairly often you may want to grab the most recent version. I will always have the most recent versions available by FTP at in the directory /pub/owenc/control.strip/. Since they are so small I can also mail them to you if you don't have FTP access. If you would like the most recent versions on disk add $1 to your registration (or send $1 at any later date) and I will mail the most recent versions to you on disk.
v1.4 corrects a few cosmetic bugs and problems with programs such as NOW Menus
The plea.
I am releasing these modules as shareware. They aren't all that much but neither is the price. I ask for just $10 for the whole package. Registration will also cover new modules as I add them to the package.
Registration info
I am now using a shareware registration service run by Kee Nethery <>. The big advantage for you (and me) is that you can pay shareware fees with your credit card (VISA, MasterCard and American Express) via Email. This also makes it easier for people in other countries, since the currency conversions are handled automatically. Another advantage for me is that I can spend less time on administrative tasks and more time programming, as well as providing a permanent Email and Snail-mail address. If you are paranoid and concerned that this might be a clever forgery, feel free to mail me at (or one of the addresses above). If you are a shareware author interested in this system, email Kee.
To register my shareware applications, use the Register program or fill out the registration form that comes with the software (if you don’t have a registration form, fetch the latest version, or just make sure you include the program name and your Email address). Send the form together with your payment to:
Kagi Shareware
1442-A Walnut Street #392-CO
Berkeley, California, 94709-1405
For credit card payments, send the form via Email to or by FAX to +1 510 652 6589. Checks should be made out to “Kagi Shareware” and should be in US dollars. All comments about the programs should be sent directly to me.